Baking and Pastry
Course Objectives:
- Laminated Doughs -- discover how to create puff pastries, danishes, and croissants; learn procedures for mixing, rolling and shaping.
- Vanilla Sauce and Pastry Cream
- Meringue -- learn to create common Swiss and Italian style meringue
- Basic Steps of Baking Bread -- learn to produce high-quality baguettes, hard rolls, focaccia etc. without speciality equipment; introduce shaping and scoring techniques
- French Bread Baking -- identify five key elements of creating authentic French bread
- Speciality Breads -- learn the artisan style of bread making and increase the overall variety of your bakery
Course Description:
This course is designed to give you a comprehensive look into the world of baking and principles to allow you to master the fundamentals. Here you will learn the value of creating your own desserts and artisan style breads.